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View From The Opposition - Manchester City
Vinny 3:57 Thu Oct 23
View From The Opposition - Manchester City

A superb second half display away at Burnley saw West Ham record another victory which has propelled the club into the top four.

Whilst it is still early days and no one is getting completely carried away, there is a sense of excitement around West Ham at the moment.

To be going into a game against a team that beat West Ham four times last season and believeing that you will get a result is evidence of just how quickly things can change in football.

Whatever the result on Saturday I cannot see the optimism being drained from West Ham fans just yet and I am delighted that there seems to be a little more positivity around a club who has been immersed in doom and gloom for far too long.

This week we have two Manchester City supporters answering the questions and as always, all questions have come from members of WHO.

The two fans are Russ Neil and Neil Travis. Many thanks to both for their answers.

As a club you have changed massively since the money came in - Apart from the obvious, what is the biggest positive and what is the biggest negative the money brings with it?

Positive - I'd say the huge investment in the infrastructure of the club and East Manchester. With the new Academy set up and training centre at the ground, the Sheikh has secured our place at the top table for years to come. 

Negative - Diluting our support. As a born and bred Manc but having lived in London for nearly 10 years now it's gone from 'Oh, City are you mate, good on you' to 'City eh, how long you been supporting them?' With success come half and half scarves, day trippers and the like. Shame but that's the route you have to go down now unfortunately if you want to become a 'big' club internationally. 

Neil: The positive is how much more professional the club is run since the takeover from a fans perspective. The fiascos of the past ticket office, club website, match day experience were a joke and probably why as a club we would never be successful. Opposition fans don't see how much more pleasurable it is to be a supporter of the club from the way it's run all together. The website and content is fantastic, the shops in Manchester are now really nice and getting tickets for away games can be be bought online easily rather than a trip to the ground.

The negative is the fact that what ever we do it always seems to be wrong. The press are so against us that these days personally I go to all our games and don't even watch SSN etc anymore. Also the " where were you when you were shit" chant shows what short memories people have. The price of success costs and in fact it seems we have less support at times. 

Did it annoy you last season that, despite your amazing goal scoring feats up until the turn if the year and then your slow and steady wins the day title push, all the media cared about were the struggles of your arch rivals?

Not overly no. It very much felt like karma for all those years of dreading going into school on a Monday morning after United had handed out another hammering to us in the 90s, and let's be honest it was hilarious. More annoying I think, was the national media narrative about Liverpool and the destiny of their return to the top and Brendan Rodgers false modesty. How I laughed when Chelsea beat them.

Neil: I think all the media cared about was Liverpool winning the title and United struggling. To be fair I think in the long run its what helped us win the league as it took all the pressure off the players who went about the business professionally. Personally I will never be to upset at seeing United get slated, however the enjoyment of winning the league in 2012 instead of them was more enjoyable than beating Liverpool to it. Catch 22 as want them to struggle but them big games when we're both up there are unbelievable.

For having such a strong team, why do you think you've struggled so much in the champions league?

Writing this the morning after the night before our latest shambles in Moscow so very pertinent. With Pellegrini I think tactically he is naive and a bit too gung-ho in Europe. I also fear now it might be in the players heads a bit. It might even be the case that it requires a change of management to get us over the European hurdle.

Neil: There are two major factors in why we have struggled. Firstly if you look at the four seasons we have been in it the first season we got Bayern Munich, Napoli and Villarreal. Tough group in which we got 10 points which was one of only few times you don't qualify with that many. Second season we got Real Madrid, Dortmund and Ajax. Good luck to any English team in that group. Third season we got plzen, Moscow and Bayern Munich. For once an easier group and we got 15 points and I think we're the only team to get 15 points and not win the group. We finally got through and got Barcelona. We were not fantastic against them but it's hardly embarrassing to lose to them over two legs especially with our centre half sent off at home and a penalty given when it was outside the box.

Under Pellegrini (who is loved) we were told he was brought in due to a good champions league record etc. However we seem to play far to open in Europe with 2 up front all the time and these top quality sides can make chances and when they do unlike sometimes in the premier league there usually taken. Think we need to change to a 4-5-1 in Europe and be harder to breakdown in midfield.

Like yourselves, we're moving to a new stadium that was originally designed for athletics. What should we expect in terms of atmosphere?

It'll get worse, no denying that. Happens to every club when they leave their spiritual home. Also with us, the fact that we now expect to beat most of the sides that turn up doesn't help make for a great atmosphere either. I think you need supporters groups working with the club to get singing sections, flags, banners and the like. It won't just happen on its own. There's a group of lads at City called the 1894 group who are doing some important work in this area-especially important when we expand the capacity in the near future.

Neil: Probably like us when we left Maine road a lot of your fans are attached to Upton Park as its a proper traditional football ground. Personally for me I think the move took a good few years to adjust into it feeling like our proper home. Lots of fans for the first season were probably not true match day fans and it took a few years for our vocal fans and the family ones to get together. Personally I love our ground now, even though the atmosphere at times is poor the expectations have risen. The new ground for us has in the long run brought success and hopefully it will for you. I would take that over atmosphere as you can get that at the away games.

Do you wish you had some more homegrown players in your team, or are you happy just signing Galacticos?

I do yes. I think that is the stated intention of the owners as well, but not just for the sake of it. Our youth set up contains some very promising homegrown (English and even Manc in quite a few cases) players and I think that will bear fruit in the near future. Our u-19 side beat Bayern Munich 6-0 in the UEFA Youth League last season and have won every game in their group so far this season (take note first XI). Under Patrick Viera (who will be a very good manager one day) I think we are heading in the right direction at the youth and reserve level.

Neil: I am not too bothered where are players are from as long as they perform. Lots of players who have signed for us have now played over 100 games and seem very committed to city. Zabaleta, Kompany, Silva, Yaya, Aguero. Unlike what other clubs have spent I also think they have all come at a good price. Aguero being the most expensive at £38m.

Yes it would be nice or see home-grown English players but I just don't think there good enough if you want to win things.

Which Wembley win did you enjoy more .. beating Gillingham in the playoffs or Stoke in the FA Cup final?

Blimey that's a hard one. I'll plump with Stoke, as 3 years after the money came in we finally had something tangible to show for it. It was at this point that we could all say, with certainty, 'City are back'.

Neil: I was 18 when we beat Gillingham and it was fantastic but in reality we were struggling in the third tier of English football.

The Stoke FA Cup win was magical as for me I had spent 25 years going to city thinking we would never win anything and it had finally happened 4 days before I was 30. Grown men actually crying at us winning something at last was odd but brilliant.

We beat United 1-0 in the Semi before Stoke and that was my favourite Wembley win as realistically in my lifetime it was the first time we had beat them in a game that really mattered not just for bragging rights. Although for me the fa cup semi finals are ruining the excitement of getting to Wembley for that May show-piece final.

Apart from West Ham which other sides are you hoping to avoid in next seasons Champions league group stages?

Haha, nice one! Bayern Munich, every bloody year. The main thing is UEFA redoing the seeding system so that Arsenal's unfair artificial advantage is removed. Domestic champions should rightly be rewarded.

Neil: In contradiction to what I said in the Champions League question, personally I want us to play the big teams. Would much rather see us play Milan, Munich or Madrid on a Tuesday night instead of Basel, Zenit etc. In the end you have to play them so might as well do it in the group. 

Champions League or League, League Cup and FA Treble?

I think I can safely say the first of those is gone and I don't think the domestic treble has been done before so I'll go for that. One day though the CL would be a dream...

Neil: League, League cup and FA Cup treble for me all day long. All about the domestic trophies for me and I just don't have the same excitement for the European games. As a club it's where we need to go but nothing like winning the league or FA Cup

Your favourite West Ham vs Manchester City moment

In games I've seen at Upton Park I would probably go for last season actually and David Silva's quite sublime 3rd goal in front of us. For such a skilful player his goal scoring record is terrible so that was a beauty to put the game to bed that day.

Neil: Has to be last day of last season when we won the league. Over the years have always enjoyed going to West Ham away, having seen everything from 0-0 fa cup 3rd round, 1-0 losses and also decent wins. My mate broke his arm celebrating when Yaya scored at Upton park in December 2010.

From West Ham point of view it was an absolutely insane celebration when Dean Ashton scored at our ground in the FA Cup quarter final. Looked over at your 6000 who were all over the place. Just a shame you didn't beat the scousers in the final that year

Your favourite Crisp

Smoky Bacon Walkers thank you.

Neil: Salt and vinegar Pringles


You'll be bang up for this and we are going to have a Champions League hangover. I can see it being a 2-2 draw.

Neil: 3-1 to City.

Massive thanks to Russ and Neil for their help.

Next up is Stoke. If you know a Stoke fan you would like to see take part, get in contact.

Email: vinnywhufc@hotmail.com

Twitter: @vinnywhufc

Replies - Newest Posts First (Show In Chronological Order)

SilverSurfer 2:48 Sat Oct 25
Re: View From The Opposition - Manchester City
Citeh will always be a no mark club.

with loads of money.

Fucking joke club.

SilverSurfer 2:47 Sat Oct 25
Re: View From The Opposition - Manchester City
if fucking Scunthorpe had their money, they would be in the same position.
Citeh will always be a no mark club.

Dapablo 2:11 Sat Oct 25
Re: View From The Opposition - Manchester City
Manchester just does my nut in, it's fucking Manchester!?!

geoffpikey 2:56 Fri Oct 24
Re: View From The Opposition - Manchester City
Although I'm happy with start, EVERYONE is talking us up too much right now. Pride before a fall and all. You'd think we were Southampton!

1 - 3 City, probably quite easily.

Those fans seem alright though.

Ricky Bobby 2:51 Fri Oct 24
Re: View From The Opposition - Manchester City

Premier League - Allardyce hails his "best ever" West Ham side

Roundly criticised by fans and owners alike for some turgid performances last season, West Ham United host champions Manchester City on Saturday with a new attacking style instilling new-found belief at Upton Park.

Often regarded as a mid-table team stuck in first gear with the handbrake on, West Ham have ripped the shackles off this season with a free-flowing style that has lifted them to fourth in the Premier League table with 13 points from eight games.

The arrivals of Ecuador's World Cup striker Enter Valencia and Senegal's Diafra Sakho, who has scored six goals in his last six matches, have added potency to the West Ham attack and eased the burden placed upon injured striker Andy Carroll.

Such is the feelgood factor that has engulfed the east London side, manager Sam Allardyce, who was booed by some fans last season, can take particular delight with the squad he has assembled.

"It looks like being the best side since I've been here and the big bonus is the new players hitting the ground running," Allardyce, who took charge of West Ham in 2011, told a news conference on Thursday.

"The rest of the team has been lifted by that increase in quality and energy and we've got over some injury problems too.

"We've scored 15 goals in our first eight games and our total last year was 40. It shows what goalscorers can do."

Second-placed City, who trail leaders Chelsea by five points after eight matches, will provide the Hammers with a stern examination after beating them on four occasions last season.

Two of those games were in the two-legged Capital One (League) Cup semi-final which City won 9-0 on aggregate and City also clinched the league title with a 2-0 win over West Ham on the final day of the season.

Sergio Aguero scored all four of City's goals in the 4-1 win over Tottenham Hotspur last weekend, but with Manuel Pellegrini's side returning from their ultimately disappointing 2-2 draw at CSKA Moscow in the Champions League on Tuesday, Allardyce is confident of causing an upset.

West Ham have not beaten City in their last 10 matches since a 1-0 league win over them at Upton Park in March 2009.

"We've got a different team to when we played Man City last season," Allardyce said.

"They're a fabulous side but if we're going to challenge them at any time this season this might be it, coming off a Champions League game.

"If we can keep their superb attacking force quiet we'll then have to see if we can exploit any weaknesses."

BRANDED 11:18 Fri Oct 24
Re: View From The Opposition - Manchester City
Gay gay gay gay gay gay gay

Dudley Moore 11:12 Fri Oct 24
Re: View From The Opposition - Manchester City
Enjoyed reading that. Down to earth fans, much like most of our own.

Good choices of crisps as well, none of this prawn cocktail nonsence.

Plus, they hate the mickeys as much as I do.

Looking forward to tomorrow.

Cheers, Vinny.

Lily Hammer 9:36 Fri Oct 24
Re: View From The Opposition - Manchester City
bruuuno 9:19 Fri Oct 24

Exactly that, but like I said, not in the least bit gay.

bruuuno 9:19 Fri Oct 24
Re: View From The Opposition - Manchester City
What exactly happened in 87 then? Did everyone get on the pitch and start fucking each other or something?

holyhandgrenade 9:13 Fri Oct 24
Re: View From The Opposition - Manchester City
Good work once again Vinny.

Suspect the more mature line of questioning is getting better quality responses from the opposition.

Love it.

kylay 3:53 Fri Oct 24
Re: View From The Opposition - Manchester City
Great read as usual, but this one I couldn't get my head around this though:

"I would take that over atmosphere as you can get that at the away games."

with that attitude why even bother with the games? you can just catch the highlights on sky

longford 1:19 Fri Oct 24
Re: View From The Opposition - Manchester City
This is a really good point i would like to see this hapoen.... Probably like us when we left Maine road a lot of your fans are attached to Upton Park as its a proper traditional football ground. Personally for me I think the move took a good few years to adjust into it feeling like our proper home. Lots of fans for the first season were probably not true match day fans and it took a few years for our vocal fans and the family ones to get together. Personally I love our ground now, even though the atmosphere at times is poor the expectations have risen. The new ground for us has in the long run brought success and hopefully it will for you. I would take that over atmosphere as you can get that at the away games.

Darlo Debs 1:04 Fri Oct 24
Re: View From The Opposition - Manchester City
Have family ties with Man city so out of the big boys City are the only ones I'd want to see win the title.

Lily Hammer 12:49 Fri Oct 24
Re: View From The Opposition - Manchester City
I was on the pitch in 87, and it was a special moment between us, not in the least bit gay, just a moment that was probably beyond any of us to understand at the time. It just happened, and this was a time when there wasn't so much love and peace around the football terraces.

With hindsight you piece together the comparable similarities between us and it makes some sense......the biggest link was probably the hate of the red virus that affected their city.......and ours.

And that was it, we appreciated real mancunians, representing their community like we represented ours whilst being in the shadow of condescending toff neighbours. All Man City were considered the real mancs.

Now contrast that with Man U and their Cockney Fucking Reds and the rest of the glory hunters who had nothing to do with the community other than waving their flag for them whilst joining in with the bullying of any fans they thought it would be easy to.

Another link was they had just been relegated.....we knew and felt their pain I suppose. Good bunch of lads on the whole.

Hope we stuff the cunts' superstars on satyrday though.

jack flash 12:39 Fri Oct 24
Re: View From The Opposition - Manchester City
Seem like decent lads

I've met loads of lads down the years who've supported Citeh & all of them without exception were decent blokes

I always used to feel a bit sorry for them when their team slipped into the lower reaches & was really glad to see them get back

Even with the success they've enjoyed of late they've never lost that degree of humility, unlike the condescending arseholes who support Manu

Mr Polite 12:29 Fri Oct 24
Re: View From The Opposition - Manchester City
Well done Vincent

Always had a soft spot for City

Banjo 12:18 Fri Oct 24
Re: View From The Opposition - Manchester City
Thanks Vinny. I reckon CIty fans are the closest to us in terms of culture and these two lads seemed decent blokes.


Jonah Lomas 11:40 Thu Oct 23
Re: View From The Opposition - Manchester City
I don't really like "liking" anything Manchester and football-related, in fact, it feels a bit dirty.

But, if I was to not dislike intensely, any of the big clubs, it would be Man City.

They seem to be a decent lot, which presumably is because they've lived in the shadows of Man Utd for so long, that they've learned humility.

BRANDED 11:04 Thu Oct 23
Re: View From The Opposition - Manchester City
Thanks Vinny.
There's always something a bit gay about Man City supporters.

Eddie B 10:36 Thu Oct 23
Re: View From The Opposition - Manchester City
Whufc06 10:06 Thu Oct 23

Sven Roeder 10:12 Thu Oct 23
Re: View From The Opposition - Manchester City
One of the big clubs has to win the League. I hope it's them
Good stuff Vinny , keep it up

Stoke fan..... Neil Baldwin?

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